Hey. This is crazy. I have never updated my blog so regularly. KK. So I was out of the house for most of the day. First SL then SS. SL was okay, got most of the details finalised. We just need to finish up some things and we'll be ready. SS was quite sad lah. We all like slacked around and couldn't get much work done. Quite sad lah. My group can't work in a group. Ironic right? Maybe it's just reality. So we have finally decided to split up, do ourselves and compile at the end, which has a real high chance of backfiring. Bleah.
MT hw is freaking me out. I doubt i can finish it. Its about 3 weeks of hw. omg. that sounds like something desmond might have done. Not handing up his hw for 3 weeks. bah. die lah. last night, my mom told me she won't give me dinner unless I finished a bit of my mt hw. So now u know why I am skinny. Haha. Jus kidding lah. But i ended up doing my hw.
Yesterday afternoon, i was free. doing nothing whatsoever. I could done my mt hw right? nooooooooooooooooooo. I didn't want to do it. I couldn't bring myself to do it. You want to know what I did? Nvm. I shall not say it. It was work, but it was not really on the top of my priority list or anything. kk. I did my math extensions. I was bored and i needed to occupy myself with something. So i just did a bit of math.
this brings me to my next point. on interest. Interest is purely imaginary. It's all in our mind, right? If this whole factor of interest didn't exist, our lives wouldn't be the same. Example, i wouldn't have done my math extension. or i would have done my mt hw. something like that lah. Interest is basically our judgment of things right? Its basically a reflection of how we judge things. I am not interested in mt.(It doesn't mean I hate it though.)When my teacher gives a compo, i write a 4 page crap essay while pple like thana, dhevy and shreya give like 6 or 7 pages. I get a mediocre mark, while they ace it. I could actually put in some effort but i don't. Why? I am not interested. I just can't be bothered - no matter how much time i have, or how good and/or nice my teacher is, i just can't do something so boring.
kk. i feel like i am talking crap. I just had this sudden thought. What would happen to our lives if that whole concept of interest never existed? what if we never judged things, and did things to the best of our capabilities?
basically, it all boils down to choice- what we choose to do. It ultimately is our decision. I may find my mt hw boring - i have no interest in it, but i can still choose to do it. The fact that i don't do it is another issue, but the fact that a choice exists for us to choose from is the crux of the issue here.
I dont really think i have expressed what i want to say well enough. let me give it one last shot.
interest, is based on our thought. we can choose what we want to be interested in. and without interest, our lives would change... quite alot.
interest is our judgement of things, and no matter what happens, we can never change it. not that we can never change it but... we condition our minds to such an extent that we choose not to believe something that goes against our ideals even if it stares at us in the face,
this can be compared to people. we always judge a person based on a few actions, first impressions, etc. and in certain cases, we tend to not like a particular person. however nice that person may try to be, we just come up with excuses to say that that person has some ulterior motive of sorts which he/she is trying to cover up this 'nice' behaviour. why give them the benefit of the doubt? why not give them a second chance? what if they really are sincere? what if...
the same thing in the case of interest. why not try and see how something we find really boring can be fun? I think i should try that out for my mt, a more positive, giving attitude.
Do you it'll work? Nah... But it's still worth the try right?
Oh yeah, and now it seems my only chance is giving up the fight
MT hw is freaking me out. I doubt i can finish it. Its about 3 weeks of hw. omg. that sounds like something desmond might have done. Not handing up his hw for 3 weeks. bah. die lah. last night, my mom told me she won't give me dinner unless I finished a bit of my mt hw. So now u know why I am skinny. Haha. Jus kidding lah. But i ended up doing my hw.
Yesterday afternoon, i was free. doing nothing whatsoever. I could done my mt hw right? nooooooooooooooooooo. I didn't want to do it. I couldn't bring myself to do it. You want to know what I did? Nvm. I shall not say it. It was work, but it was not really on the top of my priority list or anything. kk. I did my math extensions. I was bored and i needed to occupy myself with something. So i just did a bit of math.
this brings me to my next point. on interest. Interest is purely imaginary. It's all in our mind, right? If this whole factor of interest didn't exist, our lives wouldn't be the same. Example, i wouldn't have done my math extension. or i would have done my mt hw. something like that lah. Interest is basically our judgment of things right? Its basically a reflection of how we judge things. I am not interested in mt.(It doesn't mean I hate it though.)When my teacher gives a compo, i write a 4 page crap essay while pple like thana, dhevy and shreya give like 6 or 7 pages. I get a mediocre mark, while they ace it. I could actually put in some effort but i don't. Why? I am not interested. I just can't be bothered - no matter how much time i have, or how good and/or nice my teacher is, i just can't do something so boring.
kk. i feel like i am talking crap. I just had this sudden thought. What would happen to our lives if that whole concept of interest never existed? what if we never judged things, and did things to the best of our capabilities?
basically, it all boils down to choice- what we choose to do. It ultimately is our decision. I may find my mt hw boring - i have no interest in it, but i can still choose to do it. The fact that i don't do it is another issue, but the fact that a choice exists for us to choose from is the crux of the issue here.
I dont really think i have expressed what i want to say well enough. let me give it one last shot.
interest, is based on our thought. we can choose what we want to be interested in. and without interest, our lives would change... quite alot.
interest is our judgement of things, and no matter what happens, we can never change it. not that we can never change it but... we condition our minds to such an extent that we choose not to believe something that goes against our ideals even if it stares at us in the face,
this can be compared to people. we always judge a person based on a few actions, first impressions, etc. and in certain cases, we tend to not like a particular person. however nice that person may try to be, we just come up with excuses to say that that person has some ulterior motive of sorts which he/she is trying to cover up this 'nice' behaviour. why give them the benefit of the doubt? why not give them a second chance? what if they really are sincere? what if...
the same thing in the case of interest. why not try and see how something we find really boring can be fun? I think i should try that out for my mt, a more positive, giving attitude.
Do you it'll work? Nah... But it's still worth the try right?
Oh yeah, and now it seems my only chance is giving up the fight