
Monday, November 19, 2007


Hey y'all. This past few days haven't been fun. They were spent at Simtech doing stuff which wasn't fun, and even boring at times. I really hope it gets better soon. Grinding stuff in a lab for 3 hours can be lonely and extremely depressing. It's a good this I talked to my mentor about letting me off for training at least once a week, if not it would seriously be damn boring. And its great that she's leaving on the 9th, so my attachment will hopefully be shortened by a week. Haha yay.

Today went to the temple to pray after finishing work at NTU. And who should I meet on the train, but the twins! Haha, a tired pair of twins. Talked to them from buona vista to outram. At least they got seats at outram park, beside each other! My mom was pretty surprised they looked so different haha.

Just came back home after dinner with the parents. It's been like this lately. Just the 3 of us. Sheesh, it's been a long time since the 5 of us (my parents, my 2 sisters and myself) went for a holiday together. The last time we went overseas was for my sister's wedding and even then went in like 2 separate groups. I doubt we'll ever go on a holiday together again.

I sure do miss the old days.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Boo Ya!

Hey. Lo. You know what really sucks?

Falling asleep at Jurong East and having to wake up at Chinese Garden man. Seriously. Woke up as the train doors were about to close. Sheesh.

Life sucks pretty much. Definitely not maximising my holidays at all. I went to watch Rendition the other day. It was okay I guess, not spectacular or anything.


I guess I'm putting things into perspective now. And I've realised that in NS, I really want to get into Air Force, or at the very least OCS. I don't want to go to NS and just waste my 2 years doing something stupid and useless. From what I've heard, only the smartest and the strongest can get into it. So yeah, I guess its time to starting working hard towards that goal for now.

And I guess NS would give me the time I need to think as well. I think I'll be able to like choose what I want to do in life when I'm in NS. Cos I have no idea of what I wanna do at all in uni. I mean yeah, there's engineering. But what am I going to do with that degree? I have absolutely no idea whatsoever.

So for now, it's time to work hard, get good grades and be fit. Even though that doesn't determine whether I get into Airforce or OCS, I'm sure it'll help loads.

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Hey. So yeah. PW is over. On the first day as well, haha. At last. Thanks to my awesome group mates who made this pw journey absolutely bearable and even fun! Margaret, MattHo, Louis and Nick!

Haha yeah. So PW is over. My parents brought me to Fish &co. the day PW ended. I really don't know why they brought me there. I guess it was some sort of reward of some sort. Then when eating i felt something get stuck in my throat and i couldn't swallow it either. Felt like puking, so I ran to the toilet. I couldn't spit it out either. So i had to pull out that piece of whatever from my mouth. It was pretty cool, seeing that long strand of squid coming out of my mouth. Admired it for a while before throwing it away. Felt like a magician!

Anyway, got myself a new floorball stick haha. Feels cool to play with it.

And yesterday was yangen's birthday so the guys (well some at least) went to play soccer before going of to BK for lunch. Made a cake out of Hershey's Sundae Pies and a candle out of a fry dipped in chilli sauce. Sang him a birthday song after which everyone rushed off to where ever they were all going.

Happy birthday yangen, and hope you had a fun time (: