Hey. 9:18 for 2.4! Alright! haha, but i think it's only because we ran around school and not around the track. My timing would have been worse had we run around the track.
Haha I realise its been a long time. But then again, nothing has happened either. There was that 3 a side floorball competition and my team (Anil, Desmond and Edison) got fourth. Hm that was really long ago. Then there was Anil's birthday. Apart from that, I can't think of anything else that has happened. I really cannot remember. I just know that there are a LOT of birthdays coming up.
I've just been feeling very sad and used over this period, and i still do feel that way. Its just very confusing when you try to make things better, but ultimately, make it worse for yourself and those around you. It's just very tiring when this kind of thing happens and I don't know what to do. Sigh.
Now to get back to work.
Haha I realise its been a long time. But then again, nothing has happened either. There was that 3 a side floorball competition and my team (Anil, Desmond and Edison) got fourth. Hm that was really long ago. Then there was Anil's birthday. Apart from that, I can't think of anything else that has happened. I really cannot remember. I just know that there are a LOT of birthdays coming up.
I've just been feeling very sad and used over this period, and i still do feel that way. Its just very confusing when you try to make things better, but ultimately, make it worse for yourself and those around you. It's just very tiring when this kind of thing happens and I don't know what to do. Sigh.
Now to get back to work.
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